It applies to life, and everything in it. For some reason, these days it seems that everybody wants things to be easy, comfortable, soft, and fun. But no true satisfaction has ever come from that. The only true happiness comes from continually challenging yourself to improve, conquer, rise above, and get better at everything you do.
First of all, it should be self evident that in order to really feel joy, you have to be "in the game," that is, an active participant in your life. For example, think about that pleasure you feel when the Bears (or your team of choice) win a game. Certainly, it pales in comparison to the joy felt by those men who went out there and gave there best for four, brutal, bone-crushing quarters, and came away victorious.
So, to really get the most from life, you need to be in the game, whatever game that is. The second link in the chain should be equally obvious - losing sucks. Sure, it is gratifying to give your best, and to push yourself - we all know this. Still, find me one person, just one, who will say they prefer losing to winning. Such a person does not exist, and if he did, I wouldn't want to know him.
Are we on the same page? Life requires you to be an active participant, not sit around and player-hate from the sidelines. But what to do when you've reached the absolute top in your particular game. Most would suggest retire, and rest on your laurels. This is wrong. You must find a new game to dominate. You must continually be trying to succeed, to get better, to improve, in some way. In every way relevant to your life.
A moment's thought shows this all to be true, in every aspect of your life. Did you finally get that promotion? Now its time to be the best you can be in the new job, and start angling for the next promotion. Has your relationship fallen into a comfortable, but somewhat boring routine? Time to up your game, or you're looking at divorce court. Did you just complete a marathon? The Ironman beckons. There is always a next step to take, always a better time to run, always more you can do for the ones you love, always something new to learn and try to master.
Never be comfortable. Always push yourself.
When you're failing, keep pushing until you succeed. When you're succeeding, keep pushing more until you fail. Repeat until you die.
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